

İşitme Engellilerin Eğitimi Çalıştayı
26 Kasım 2014
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi


Pazartesi, 24 Kasım 2014    TB 480

10.30-12.00  "The syntax of predicate ellipsis in sign languages",

                        Carlo Cecchetto, Universita degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca



Salı, 25 Kasım 2014, TB 250  TB250

10.00-12.30     "From empirical research to the education of Deaf students""

                           Sara Trovato,

                           Milano-Bicocca Üniversitesi

Öğle yemeği

13.30-16.00    "Developing SL teaching materials: challenges and possibilities "

                          Cristina Banfi, Eğitim Bakanlığı,Arjantin



Çarşamba, 26 Kasım 2014, BÜYEM #2 (UçaksavarYerleşkesi- Etiler)

10.00-12.30    "Developing SL teaching materials: a hands-on workshop"

                          Cristina Banfi, Eğitim Bakanlığı, jantin

Öğle yemeği

13.30-16.00     "Effective methods for Deaf students approaching oral languages, from kindergarten to college"

                           Sara Trovato,

                           Milano-Bicocca Üniversitesi


Seminer yeri:  Boğaziçi Üniversitesi

                        Yaşam Boyu Eğitim Merkezi

                        Uçaksavar Yerleşkesi

                        Cengiz Topel Caddesi


Gün:    26 Kasım  2014

Saat:  10:00 - 16:00



Kopenhag Üniversitesi
20-22 Kasım 2014



Çarşamba 19 Kasım:

17.00: Buluşma   Klaptræet, Kultorvet 1.


Perşembe 20 Kasım:

9.30-12.30: WG2 at UCC, Rømersgade 21.

12.30-13.30: Lunch (free of charge) at UCC, Rømersgade 21.

14.00-17.00: MC meeting at UCC, Rømersgade 21.

17.45-19.15: Slots for meetings for inter-WG discussion (if necessary) at UCC, Rømersgade 21.

20.30 Social dinner at Scarpetta, Rantzausgade 7. DKK 250 excl drinks (vegetarian menu is available)


Cuma 21 Kasım:

9.00-12.00: WG3 at UCC, Rømersgade 21.

13.30-16.30: WG1 at UCC, Rømersgade 21.


Cumartesi 22 Kasım:

9.00-12.00: WG4 at UCC, Rømersgade 21.






5 EYLÜL  – 19 EKİM 2014

 İŞARET DİLLERİNİN VE TÜRK İŞARET DİLİ’NİN YAPISAL ÖZELLİKLERİ (görsel-işitsel diller arasındaki farklar, işaretlerin sesbilimsel özellikleri, el işaretleri ve el-dışı işaretler, bunların dilbilgisindeki işlevleri, işaret dillerinin ve TİD’in tümce yapısı özellikleri)

KONUŞULAN DİLLER VE TÜRKÇE’NİN YAPISAL ÖZELLİKLERİ (ses kullanımı ile ifade edilen diller, Türkçe’nin ses yapısı, sözcük yapısı, tümce yapısı, Türkçe’nin yazı sistemi,)

ENGELLİLERİN VE İŞİTME ENGELLİLERİN HAKLARI ve SOSYAL DUYARLILIK ((işitme) engellilerin sosyal hakları,  işitme engelli çocuğu olan ailelerinin sosyal sorunları ve günlük hayatta karşılaştıkları zorluklar, alabilecekleri destekler)


KİMLER KATILABİLİR : Lise, önlisans ve üniversite mezunu işitme engelliler

GÜN ve SAATLER       : Cuma-Cumartesi-Pazar 09:30-16:30, (Toplam 106 saat)



John Freely Salonu
Katılanlar:  Engin Arık, Hasan Dikyuva, Aslı Göksel, Emre Hakgüder, Meltem Kelepir, Okan Kubuş, Bahtiyar  , Derya Nuhbalaoğlu,  A. Sumru Özsoy, Aslı Özyürek,   Müge Sevinç, Beyza Sümer, Hükümran Sümer, Süleyman Taşçı, Necla Yalçıner
Çevirmenler:  Halise  Deler,  Volkan Kurt
6 Ocak
13.30-15.00  I.  Oturum: Birbirimizi ve calışmalarımızı kısaca tanıma
15.00-15.30  Çay
15.30-17.00 II.  Oturum: Elle ilgili terimler (ör. handswap) **pembe**
Akşam yemeği
7 Ocak
9.45-11.15 III.  Oturum El dışı terimler (ör. Chin up) ve uzamla ilgili terimler  (ör. proximal)  **sarı**
11.15-11.30 Çay
11.30-13.00   IV.  Oturum:  Soyut kavramların karşılığı olan terimler (ör. pronoun   copy) **mor**
13.00-14.00 Yemek
14.00-15.30 V. Oturum: Toplumbilimsel/diledinimi/eğitimle ilgili terimler (ör.   early signer) **yeşil**
15.00-15.30 Çay
15.30-17.00 VI. Oturum: Sorunlu terimler (ör. Sesbilim); ileriye yönelik çalışmalar           **mavi**
18 Aralık 2013
(11.12. 2013 hava muhalefetinden dolayi 18.12.2013’e ertelendi) 
A. Sumru Özsoy İşitme Engellilik ve Sessiz Dil-TİD
Samet Demirtaş Farklılıklarımızı değil, farkındalıklarımızı görün
Mine Göl Güven Işitme Engeli olan çocuklarda erken eğitimin önemi
Hülya  Osmanoğlu İşitme Engellilik ve Doğru Yaklaşım
Elvan Özparlak İşaret Dili Öğretmek 
Bilge N. Aydoğdu İşaret Dili Öğrenmek
Ubeyd Asil İşitme Engellinin Sosyal Hayatta Yaşadığı Sorunlar
Nezihe Seyhan İşitme Engelli Anne Babanın Çocuğu Olmak
Hande Sart Sesleri Görmek
Meltem Kelepir Wood   COST- TİDBİL (TÜBİTAK 111K314)
Derya Nuhbalaoğlu TİDBİL
İşitememenin ne olduğunu hiç düşündünüz mü? Bir an için dış dünyaya kulaklarınızı kapatın ve etrafınızda olanları takip etmeğe çalışın.  Hiç ses duymadan etrafınızdaki  hareketler ve olayların ne anlama geldiğini anlıyor musunuz? Onları yorumlayabiliyor musunuz? Ağızlarını açıp kapayan insanlar neler diyor? Ağzınızı her açışınızda, sizi dinlemeye çalışanların sizi anlamakta zorlanabileceği hiç aklınıza geldi mi?  Sizin gibi işitme engelli bir başka kişi ile nasıl iletişim kurabilirsiniz? 
Bu ve buna benzer sorulara cevap vermek, işitme engelliğe olan duyarlılığı/farkındalığı arttırmak ve Türk İşaret Dili konusunda gerek akademik gerekse eğitim içerikli çalışmalar konusunda bilgi vermek amacıyla Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sosyal Hizmet Kulübü’nün katkılarıyla “İşitme Engellilik ve Sessiz Dil” başlıklı bir panel gerçekleştirilecektir. Panelde işitme engelli hakları, işitme engellilerin eğitimde karşılaştığı zorluklar, Türk İşaret Dili öğrencilerinin deneyimleri, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi’nde yürütülen işaret dili araştırma projesi (TİDBİL) ve işitme engellilere yönelik geliştirilmekte olan eğitim faaliyetleri gibi pek çok konuda kısa konuşmalara/sunumlara ve tartışmalara yer verilecektir. 
ACCOMMODATION Information for
SignGram COST Action IS1006 MC and WG meetings
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, İstanbul
29 May-1 June 2013



May 29
16-19h: WG2                          Rectorate Conference Room

May 30
9-12h: WG2-ws                      Albert Long Hall, John Freely Meeting Room
13-16h: WG3                          Albert Long Hall, John Freely Meeting Room
17-19.30h: MC                       Albert Long Hall, John Freely Meeting Room

May 31
9-12h: WG1                            Albert Long Hall, John Freely Meeting Room
13-16h: WG1-ws                   School of Arts and Sciences, (Anderson Hall) TB250
16.30-19.30h: WG4-ws        School of Arts and Sciences, (Anderson Hall) TB250

June 1
9-12h:  WG4                           School of Arts and Sciences, (Anderson Hall) TB480


Imperative Workshop          
May 30 2013               9:00-12:00       Albert Long Hall, John Freely Meeting Room 


9:00- 9:20 Turkish SL
9:20- 9:40 Polish SL
9:40-10:00 Italian SL
10:00-10:20- Norwegian SL
10:20-10:35 BREAK
10:35-10:55  French SL
10:55-11:15 Catalan SL
11:15-11:35  Icelandic SL
11:35-12:15 general discussion (Sabine Iatridou)


WG1  Workshop
May 31 2013               13:00-16:00     School of Arts and Sciences, (Anderson Hall) TB250


WG4  Workshop
May 31 2013               16:30-19:30     School of Arts and Sciences, (Anderson Hall) TB250



May 28 Tuesday (pre-meeting get together)                                                           

Karaköyüm Cafe & Restaurant
Kemeraltı Cad. No.8
Bankalar Hanı (6th floor/teras)
Those on campus will meet at the steps in front of Anderson Hall and will go to Karaköyüm together.                     

May 29 Wednesday                           19.45h

Neyle Meyle
Hüseyinağa Mh.  
Nevizade Sk No:12,
(0212) 249 8103
Those on campus will meet at the steps in front of Anderson Hall and will go to Neyle Meyle together.                      

May 30 Thursday                                20.15h.

İ.Ü. Baltalimanı Sosyal Tesisleri
(0212) 277 99 16
Those on campus will meet at the steps in front of Anderson Hall and will go to Baltalimanı together.

May 31 Friday                                     19.45h.

Alumni Restaurant on campus
We meet at the steps in front of Anderson Hall and walk to BURC together.


 Accommodation for the MC and WG meetings for the COST 1006 meeting in Istanbul will be available at the University Guest House (called Kennedy Lodge - - KL for short) or hotels in the city. Below is the information on KL as well as names and addresses of some hotels that are relatively close to Boğaziçi University.
You might find keeping two points in mind useful when making accommodation arrangements in Istanbul.:
          1. The location of Boğazici University (on the Bosphorus) does not make it easy to get to the campus.
          2. Traffic is next to impossible in Istanbul almost at all times of the day, but particularly in the mornings and evenings.
With these two caveats in mind, you can be sure that we will do our best to make you all feel welcome and comfortable during your stay in Istanbul.  Therefore please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding the arrangements and accommodations.Our contact address is:
(University guest house)
situated on the campus; individual rooms; bathrooms are shared between 2 rooms; can house only 12 participants on single occupancy basis, more on double occupancy: each room has 2 twin beds; no breakfast but lots of cafeterias on campus that serve good breakfast 30TL/night/person (appr. 15 EURO / night / person)  (Double occupancy:  50TL/room/night). Two rooms which have their own bathroom facilities are 70TL/suite/night.
YOU NEED TO CONTACT US TO MAKE RESERVATIONS AT KL. For those of you who would prefer to stay at a hotel, we give the web addresses of some hotels that are relatively close to the University. You can make your hotel reservations by contacting them directly.
Reserved rooms:
Room Res
Room Res
Room Res


We give the names and addresses of some hotels, some relatively close to the University, the others at Taksim Square which can be considered to be the ‘hub’ of the city.

A.  Levent/Beşiktaş Area

These are all hotels that are relatively close to the university, though none are within walking distance. Taxis are probably going to be the best way to get to the University in the mornings since buses will be very crowded and there is no subway that comes close to the university. You will have to cross the street in order to get the taxis going in the direction of the University.  For those staying at Bilek Hotel and Levent Hotel, there is a city bus (59RS) which can be boarded on the same side of the street as the hotels and which will make its way to Boğaziçi  University.



SNG : 120 Euro (inc VAT+breakfast)

DBL: 150 Euro 
         (These are the rates that the hotel has given to us. However, its  rate for standard room is listed as 95EURO on its web page. Why we get the special raise is unexplainable at this point! So you probably might be fairing better if you do not mention your affiliation with Bogazici U, if you make a reservation there!)



SNG                            (listed as 70EURO now, but could not confirm it for 2013)



SNG: 120EURO (inc VAT+ breakfast; special rate for us; this is really a reduced rate quoted for us)

This is situated halfway between the University and Taksim and is close to a subway station.


LA MAISON - Beşiktaş  

SNG: 130EURO                    (might be lowered for us once they make their budget for 2013, but it will take time to find out if this will really happen)


AVANT GARDE              


B. Taksim Hotels

Moderate as well as more-than-moderate hotels can be found in the Taksim area.  Below are some hotels in both categories.

(i) Moderate

These are some hotels in the Taksim area within the 100E-130E range although this is the price they quote for early booking.  Breakfast is included in the room price in all. Directions as to how to get to the University from Taksim can be found under the next section Practical Information.

1. Hotel  Grant  Star
2. Innpera Hotel
3. Nippon Hotel
4. Crystal Hotel
5. Best Western Eresin  Hotel
6. Marble Otel


(ii) Higher than moderate

The Marmara Taksim
Anemon Hotel
Point Hotel
Grand Hyatt



Practical information


You want to check with your local authorities if you need a visa to enter Turkey. The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides some information here, but the page seems a bit outdated. Citizens of many countries don't need a visa, and others can get it at the airport for a fee of around 15--20 Euros, depending on your citizenship. Please do check in advance.  If you need to get a visa, you should also make sure you have the right amount of cash on you.  Payment by credit card or check is not accepted.

At the airport, you will see a counter saying "Vize/Visa" next to passport control. If you are amongst the people who can/have to buy a visa at the airport, make sure you get it before the passport control, because the border police will send you back to the visa counter without a visa---and you might waste lots of time queuing. Once you have your visa, or if you don't need one to begin with, you are ready for passport control, which is usually divided in one section for Turkish citizens (Türk vatandaşları) and one for everybody else. The queues at Atatürk Airport are often quite long, be prepared.

Travel to and from Istanbul

Istanbul is served by two airports, one on the European side (Atatürk Airport – abbreviated as IST), one on the Asian side (Sabiha Gökçen Airport – abbreviated as SAW). The one on the European side is closer to "central" Istanbul, but most low cost carriers fly into the one on the Asian side.

More information about the airports can be found here:
Atatürk Airport (Europe)
 / Sabiha Gökçen Airport (Asia)

Turkish Airports have security controls also at the entrances, so once you leave the airport, you need to go through security to get back in again. Don't step out for a smoke or fresh air unless you know you are done with everything inside.

Travel to and from the airports

Public transport serves both airports, but sadly it doesn't take you any place particularly useful for a tourist. The easiest way to get to town is the bus service offered by the company Havataş: Buses run every half hour between Atatürk Airport and Taksim Square (price: 10 TL) as well as Sabiha Gökçen Airport and Taksim Square (price: 12 TL). The Havataş buses leave right in front of the airports and have their terminus on Taksim Square, which is the major transport hub on the European side of Istanbul. From there it is easy to catch a bus taking you to Boğaziçi University. Note that parts of Taksim Square are currently under construction, but don't let that discourage you. It is not clear what parts of Taksim Square will be closed at the time of our meeting, and the best thing to do is to keep in mind that going about the square is bound to take time.


Travel from Taksim to Boğaziçi University

Getting from Taksim Square to Boğaziçi University involves a bus ride on the bus 559C, which runs in 10 minute intervals. It leaves roughly opposite of the Marmara Hotel, the highest building on Taksim Square. If you have arrived at Taksim Square by a Havataş bus and want to go to Boğaziçi right away, you don't have to walk far: the stop of the 559C is right next to the stop of the Havataş bus, you just have to walk down some steps. Taksim Square is the starting point of the 559C.

The bus ride takes between 40 and 60 minutes (depending on traffic), and the stop you need to get off at is called "Boğaziçi Üniversitesi". Many, though not all, buses announce the stops, but since you can't rely on it, look outside on your journey and check the names on the actual bus stops. The last three before "Boğaziçi Üniversitesi" are "Basın Sitesi", "Cengiz Topel", "Nispetiye" (and then "Boğaziçi Üniversitesi").

Keep in mind that traffic in Istanbul can be very bad: At least for the first time when you take the bus, allow for plenty of time.

You will need a ticket before you get on the bus, since tickets are no longer sold by the drivers. At the airport, at Taksim Square or in many other places look for shops that have a sign "Akbil dolumu". (Note that parts of Taksim Square have been under construction since the beginning of November, and finding such shops there has become hard, so rather look around elswhere.) Those places should sell (electronic) tickets that are valid for one trip ("bir geçişlik", 4 TL), two ("iki geçişlik", 7 TL), three ("üç geçişlik", 10 TL), five ("beş geçişlik", 15 TL) or ten ("on geçişlik", 28 TL). The more trips you buy, the cheaper it gets. The ticket is validated by holding it against the little machine next to the driver, the one that you pass by as you enter the bus. (Buses may only be entered through the front door.)

The bus stop "Boğaziçi Üniversitesi" is next to a little square, where you will also see the main entrance to Boğaziçi University's South Campus -- a huge gate, not to be missed. (You can see an image here.) The guards at the gate might want to be shown your ID -- tell them "Linguistics Meeting" and that should do. Once you are through the gate, the road forks into two. Take the road on the right which leads downhill. Follow that road; after about 7--10 minutes you will come to the main Square of the campus. The lecture halls where the conference will take place are both situated next to that square. (See next section.)

Meeting halls

The meetings will take place at a hall which will be announced closer to the date of the meetings on the South Campus (Güney Kampüsü) of Boğaziçi University (click here for its location on Google Maps).

(The building will be indicated on our campus map).


Taxis are yellow, have a sign "Taksi" and are generally easy to find. They are usually just hailed down on the street, but if you stay at a hotel they will also order one for you. There is a basic fee of 2.70 TL, and the price increases by distance (not time). This is the same at any time of the day and independent of the number of passengers. A trip from Atatürk Airport to Boğaziçi University, the Old Town (Sultanahmet) or to Taksim (in the "New Town") should not cost more than 80 TL, a trip from Taksim to Boğaziçi University should not cost more than 25 TL, from Sultanahmet to Boğaziçi University around 40 TL. Taxi drivers are not tipped, but they will round up the price to the next full Lira.

Sadly, many taxi drivers try to make some extra money (on foreigners and locals alike), so take care not to be overcharged and to be given proper change. Pay in small notes, and preferably the exact amount. You can also ask the taxi driver beforehand how much you think the trip will cost, so at least you know what he is planning and can still refrain from getting on if you smell trouble. Mind you, taxi drivers often don't speak English, so ideally have the name if your hotel/street/"Boğaziçi Üniversitesi" written down.


The weather should be between mild and hot at the time of the meeting. There might also be rain. When it rains here, it pours.


Common wisdom has it that linguists speak many languages, but Turkish might not be amongst them. English will be enough in most tourist places, but don't expect everyone to speak it even there, and certainly not in non-tourist places. German is worth a try, but is of course less widespread than English. For some common phrases and a linguistic survival guide, click here.

Tourist attractions

Where to begin? You might want to squeeze in a visit at the Ayasofya, the Blue Mosque or Topkapı Palace. Or go to a hamam and the bazaar. Or take a boat ride on the Bosphorus if you have an afternoon off. Or just a stroll. For more details, have a look at TripAdvisor and the Wikipedia entry of Istanbul and/or get a good travel guide.